See below our statements regarding recent local and state issues.
February 2025: In opposition to BOR efforts to reintroduce cars to the West Main Street Bridge
January 2025: In support of Stamford Capital Budget priorities
December 2022: Open letter to ConnDOT: Fix the Boulevard of Death
November 2022: The Haig Avenue building should be redeveloped as multifamily housing
September 2022: In support of funds for transportation safety initiatives
July 2022: In support of legalizing micromobility devices in Stamford
July 2022: In support of the 35 Crescent St affordable housing development
June 2022: In support of transit-oriented rezoning in Stamford
March 2022: In support of HB5429: Transit-Oriented Communities
March 2022: In support of SB-4: An Act Concerning the Connecticut Clean Air Act
March 2022: In support of funds to revitalize the West Main Street Corridor
September 2021: In support of local capital improvement grants
April 2021: In support of affordable housing development
April 2021: In support of safe routes to schools
March 2021: In support of state-level zoning reform